IOAN BIG, journalist and pop culture analyst, is the publisher of the magazines Zile şi Nopţi, Sunete and Cinemap, having had hundreds of articles published in various outlets such as Replica, Musical Report, Stage Pass, Art & Roll, since his debut in his University years. He has produced and collaborated on various radio and television projects, as well as cultural happenings. He founded the “Blue Moods” concert platform (with headliners such as Charlie Musselwhite, John Hammond, Snowy White, Bob Brozman, Rick Estrin, Coco Montoya, Eric Sardinas, Lousiana Red etc) and the book collection „Mitologii Subiective”/”Subjective Mythologies”. Author of books such as Eric Clapton (2001), Era Punk (2003), Blue, Black & White. Povestea Rolling Stones (2006), musical consultant for the anthology 1001 de albume de ascultat într-o viaţă/1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die (2006) and contributor/co-author of the anthologies Arta Sunetelor (2014), Culorile sunetelor: Muzica şi artele vizuale (2015), Bucuria sunetelor (2016) and Zece dintr-o sută (Cartea sunetelor) (2018).
Ioan Big (RO)

Ioan Big (RO)
Publisher – Zile şi Nopţi, Sunete, Cinemap