Mircea Becherescu (RO)

Mircea Becherescu (RO)

Guitar Player

Mircea is a one of the guitar players in the Romanian post-rock act, Am Fost La Munte Și Mi-a Plăcut.


Having played in various small bands for a fair amount of years prior to joining AFLMȘMP, Mircea has become familiar with the DIY ropes and managed to book a small tour in Romania, to support his band’s first LP release.


Picking up on the tour’s success, from 2017 until 2020, he has become the band’s booking agent, having secured Am Fost La Munte Și Mi-a Placut’s some slots in Romania’s top festivals, as well as a show at Dunk!fest 2019 in Belgium.


Mircea is a “social butterly”, as he likes to call himself, and always likes to meet new people.