Razvan Patachi (RO)

Razvan Patachi (RO)

A&R – Underdog Station, Blogger – CriticEyez

I’m an engineer by the professional segregation standards of modern dogma, but I have always felt that the logic side of me needs to be balanced by the chaotic sentimental journey that a human being experiences in contact with a form of art. In my case, this means music in particular, no matter if it’s punk or jazz, electro or hip-hop, black metal or folk. I have probably attended more than 1000 gigs  from Romanian local bands or artists only. This is how I have become a professional amateur of the Romanian alternative music scene. For the last 5 years now, this form of amateurship has materialized in an open blog where myself and others like me contribute in written word to evangelizing what is happening on the alternative side of music. Small articles, 3-5 reading minutes, easy to digest, true stories from concerts or reviews of new albums or songs. Sometimes music emerges and mixes with other forms of art like movies, art installations, dance. Collaborative, passionate, true, independent… these are the elements that fuel what CriticEyezhas become, the platform that is truly dedicated to #supportyourlocalbands. Find me here: www.criticeyez.com , https://www.facebook.com/CriticEyez , https://www.instagram.com/criticeyez/ .
