Founder of Artist in Bloom – a creative agency dedicated to developing the competencies of artists, professionals and culture entrepreneurs through ambitious and innovative, future-oriented education.
Magda is a researcher diagnosing the key competences needed to succeed on the culture market. Educator updating concepts on transferring knowledge and designing modern developmental experiences for artists and professionals in the music industry. Certified coach supporting the development of artists.
Expert in areas like artist brand building, designing long-term strategy, creative team management, gender balance & diversity in the music industry.
Named by Keychange experts as one of the “leaders of the future”.
Magda and her Artist in Bloom’s team work with European Commission (Music Moves Europe), festivals ( Tallin, Music Week, MENT Ljubljana, Budapest Showcase Hub, SoundCzech, Different Sounds/PL, Fira B Mallorca Way Out West), music export offices (Music Export Poland, Music Estonia, Music Export Ukraine, Soundcheck, Hungarian Oncoming Tunes and organisations/projects like Keychange, SEWEM or HEMI.