Michał Wójcik, born 1983, based in Poland. He has been a musician, producer and the leader of a rock trio Cinemon with which he toured over 12 countries. Having personally experienced the difficulties that stand in the way of an independent band, in 2014 he founded a foundation providing artists with tools to efficiently overcome them.
The foundation’s key activities under the brand Tak Brzmi Miasto (Hear the City) involve the oldest music conference in Poland and the Incubator program supporting entrepreneurship and community building. They have a sizable impact on the shape of the Polish music industry – every year, 200-400 people take part in them, and over 500 graduates of the Incubator are actively building their careers in the music industry.
As an active educator, consultant, agile coach and servant leadership proponent, he brings tools that successfully increase the efficiency of IT teams and companies around the world to the music industry.