Horia Grigoraș (RO)

Horia Grigoraș (RO)

Founder & President, FACEM

Horia Grigoraș is the founder and president of the cultural organization “FACEM” from Târgu Mureș. Together with his team, he has been developing and organizing local cultural events since 2018, including “Zacuscă de Artă”, an art festival, “Muzica în Perimetru”, a concert series held in heritage buildings, and “Teatru în Fața Blocului”, a project aimed at bringing theater directly into the neighborhoods of Târgu Mureș. 

In addition to these events, Horia founded and organized the Awake Music Festival, which took place in Gornești, near Târgu Mureș, from 2017 to 2019. 

Other local events Horia is involved in include “Zilele Jocurilor”, a board games festival, “Swimathon”, and “Bikeathon”. 

Horia’s goal is to culturally develop the city of Târgu Mureș by organizing unique events that both the Romanian and Hungarian communities can participate in.
